Busy Drupal Template

Meet "Busy" a theme that is targeted at corporate websites. The design is done by Jörg Blüge of X1 Corporate Design in Hamburg. We started out with the blackish blue colored version, that outlines the structure of blocks, Elements, typography a.s.o. There is more screens than those uploaded here and all core stuff is styled, like comments article images, node links, pagers a.s.o. There is a block section dividing the horizontal width by four (see footer) and also a block section dividing it by three (not in screenshots right now). There is a high header, and a flatter one. The high version is for the start page (or people that like it everywhere :) ). Flexible height of header may be a theme setting.

Color Variations

There will be quite some color variations. Like the more black-and-white ones, and also more vivid ones, like http://drupal.org/files/issues/busy-red-1.jpg
It is not meant to be monocolor, so see the blue start version rather as a structure-plan. We plan to ship with real images for the header, for those make themes so much more alive. These will also switch with the color style. To not have problems with the GPL we will use only images from the public Domain, or from photographers that give a written consent to GPL their photos, or images that we have photographed ourselves.

Progress of the work

We are working on the theme implementation at the moment and will have a base version ready by the end of the week, there will also be a demo site and a repository on github to enable everyone that wants to participate. People currently on the job are stBorchert, SteffenR and myself.

Features and avoiding clutter

The theme is built on the bluetrip css framework http://bluetrip.org/ and strong use of color module. So to avoid discussions - there are fallback plans for both of those. If it is seen as clutter to have yet another css framework, we are going to keep in only the classes that are used by the theme and will rename the funny numeric class names to semantic ones. This can be when the theme is finished, for development the framework is a tremendous help.
If color module is seen as problematic we will use another solution (like folders for every color in the theme directory and a simple switching mechanism.)
For other features we are not planning on anything esoteric. We are happy to reuse the stuff that is hopefully introduced by Bartik and else hope to keep it "just a theme".

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